Adele Martin
Frankenmuth School District
Bridget Smith
City Manager
City of Frankenmuth
Jamie Furbush
Frankenmuth Chamber/CVB
Summer 2021
F R A N K E N M U T H L I V I N G • I S S U E 1 3 / J U N E 2 0 2 1
Other Features
5 Friday Fun Nights
8 Local Learning Opportunities
10 The Christmas Experience
Plans to Expand
12 Work Based Learning
13 The Great Outdoors
14 Business As Usual?
16 Brighter Days.
Busier Calendars.
18 Take Care of the Swifts
20 When Do You Call the Police?
Ridin' in Style
22 Grilling Safety
What Matters Most
Festival Fun is Back
9 17
Water Bill Changes
If Only We Had
a Crystal Ball