
Issue 22, August 2024

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4 With the school year just around the corner, we will soon experience increased pedestrian traffic, especially around the school. Several years ago, the City installed Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB's) on Genesee Street located in front of the Frankenmuth School District and St. Lorenz campuses. Both pedestrians and drivers have certain responsibilities in order to ensure safety. So you may be wondering, what is my responsibility when approaching Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon? Here are some responsibilities for both the driver and pedestrian DRIVER RESPONSIBILITIES DRIVER RESPONSIBILITIES Driver responsibilities at crossings equipped with Rectangular Rapid Driver responsibilities at crossings equipped with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) include several key points Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) include several key points to ensure pedestrian safety: to ensure pedestrian safety: Yield to Pedestrians Yield to Pedestrians: When the RRFB is activated and the lights are : When the RRFB is activated and the lights are flashing, drivers must yield to pedestrians crossing the road. flashing, drivers must yield to pedestrians crossing the road. Be Vigilant Be Vigilant: Drivers should always be on the lookout for pedestrians, : Drivers should always be on the lookout for pedestrians, especially in areas where RRFBs are installed, such as near schools, especially in areas where RRFBs are installed, such as near schools, parks, and other busy pedestrian areas. parks, and other busy pedestrian areas. Do Not Pass Stopped Vehicles Do Not Pass Stopped Vehicles: If a vehicle has stopped at a : If a vehicle has stopped at a crosswalk with an activated RRFB, drivers should not attempt to pass crosswalk with an activated RRFB, drivers should not attempt to pass the stopped vehicle. There may be pedestrians crossing that are not the stopped vehicle. There may be pedestrians crossing that are not immediately visible. immediately visible. Reduce Speed Reduce Speed: Approaching an activated RRFB requires drivers to slow : Approaching an activated RRFB requires drivers to slow down and be prepared to stop. Reduced speed helps in reacting more down and be prepared to stop. Reduced speed helps in reacting more effectively to the presence of pedestrians. effectively to the presence of pedestrians. Avoid Distractions Avoid Distractions: Staying focused and avoiding distractions, such : Staying focused and avoiding distractions, such as using a phone, is crucial when driving, particularly in areas with as using a phone, is crucial when driving, particularly in areas with pedestrian crossings and RRFBs. pedestrian crossings and RRFBs. BY: DON MAWER, FRANKENMUTH POLICE CHIEF PEDESTRIAN RESPONSIBILITIES PEDESTRIAN RESPONSIBILITIES When approaching and using a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon When approaching and using a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) pedestrians also have several responsibilities to (RRFB) pedestrians also have several responsibilities to keep in mind for safety: keep in mind for safety: Approach with Caution Approach with Caution: Always approach the RRFB cautiously, : Always approach the RRFB cautiously, especially near crosswalks or intersections. Treat it as a signal to alert especially near crosswalks or intersections. Treat it as a signal to alert drivers, but do not assume all drivers will stop immediately. drivers, but do not assume all drivers will stop immediately. Activate the RRFB Activate the RRFB: Push the button or activator, use it to activate the : Push the button or activator, use it to activate the flashing lights. This alerts drivers that a pedestrian is intending to cross. flashing lights. This alerts drivers that a pedestrian is intending to cross. Wait for the Signal Wait for the Signal: Even though the RRFB is flashing, wait until traffic : Even though the RRFB is flashing, wait until traffic has come to a stop before crossing. Ensure that all lanes are clear before has come to a stop before crossing. Ensure that all lanes are clear before proceeding. proceeding. Cross Promptly and Carefully Cross Promptly and Carefully: Once traffic has stopped and it is safe : Once traffic has stopped and it is safe to cross, do so promptly but remain vigilant. Look both ways as you cross to cross, do so promptly but remain vigilant. Look both ways as you cross to ensure no vehicles are trying to proceed. to ensure no vehicles are trying to proceed. Be Visible Be Visible: Especially at night or in low-light conditions, ensure you are : Especially at night or in low-light conditions, ensure you are visible to drivers. Wear bright or reflective clothing, and use the RRFB visible to drivers. Wear bright or reflective clothing, and use the RRFB lights to your advantage. lights to your advantage. Keep Awareness Keep Awareness: Even though the RRFB signals your intent to : Even though the RRFB signals your intent to cross, always be aware of your surroundings and ready to react to any cross, always be aware of your surroundings and ready to react to any unexpected movements from vehicles. unexpected movements from vehicles. By following these responsibilities, pedestrians and motorists work together to enhance safety when using RRFBs, as well as ensure smoother interactions between pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Understanding and adhering to these responsibilities will help ensure the safety of pedestrians and reduce the risk of accidents. RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S

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